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Professionalism in Chemistry

About Us

ICCON is a professional regulatory body statutorily charged with the responsibility of regulating the teaching, learning, and the practice of Chemistry Profession in Nigeria

Membership Categories

  • Fellow
  • Honourary Fellow
  • Member
  • Corporate Member
  • Honourary Member
  • Graduate Member

ICCON Vision

The ICCON vision is “to recreate situations around us that will impact positively on the nation, while providing professional protection to our members.”

Core Values

  • Professionalism
  • Integrity
  • Safety and Security
  • Team Work

ICCON Overview

ICCON is a professional regulatory body statutorily charged with the responsibility of regulating the teaching and professional practice of Chemistry profession in Nigeria. ICCON is under the Federal Ministry of Health.

Since 1946 when Nigeria’s first chemistry graduate, the late Professor Stephen Oluwole Awokoya bagged his B.Sc from the University of London, the country has produced generations of chemists for various sectors of the economy. But there was yet no government-recognized regulatory body to regulate the practice of chemists in Nigeria.







Honorary Members


Honorary Fellows

Our Mandate

ICCON is statutorily charged with the responsibility to regulate the teaching, learning, and standard best practice of Chemistry

Determining what standards of knowledge and skill are to be attained by persons seeking to be registered as Chemists and raising the standards from time to time as situations may warrant.

Training and re-training of its members by organizing a Mandatory Continuing Professional Development (MCPD) program for its members to update their knowledge and skills.

Work with relevant agencies in the establishment of standards, and regulations as regards Chemicals Production, Usage and Management, and reviewing such standards from time to time.

Synergize with relevant agencies to promotion Small and Medium Scale Enterprises and self-reliant activities by organizing seminars/workshops on skills acquisition programmes for Chemists and non-Chemists alike.

Accreditation of chemistry departments in higher Institutions of learning in collaboration with other key stakeholders.

Professionalizing the practice of Chemists by exercising regulatory authority and control over all persons in private or public organizations and corporate bodies handling all chemicals apart from drugs (hazardous or non-hazardous)

Auditing the quality of personnel in chemical-related manufacturing outfits to ensure conformity with standards.

Collaborating with relevant national educational commissions/bodies such as NUC, NBTE, NCCE, WAEC etc in standardization of Chemistry curricula in secondary and tertiary levels

Synergizing with other relevant bodies e.g. NAFDAC, SON, IPAN, SMEDAN, FMOH, FMEnv, APBN etc in harmonizing and monitoring the implementation of National and International conventions / agreements on chemicals and Chemical management to ensure safety on human health and environment.

Undertaking public enlightenment on rational use, government policies and legislations on chemicals by way of seminars/workshops, mass media, ICT, etc.

Establishing and maintaining a register of Chartered Chemists in Nigeria.

Promoting research and development (R&D) and proffering solutions in Chemical matters to relevant organizations using the expertise of its reputable members.

Synergizing with International organizations and societies in the standardization of Chemistry education and practice. Such organizations include International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) – Britain, America Chemical Society (ACS), etc. This is to foster co-operation and exchange programme / capacity building for its members

Responsible for information/data collation, processing and dissemination as regards chemical usage and management to stakeholders and Government authorities for policy formulation.

Latest News

Upcoming ICCON 19TH MCPD ON 5TH- 6TH JUNE, 2024

Upcoming ICCON 19TH MCPD ON 5TH- 6TH JUNE, 2024

We are pleased to announce our upcoming 19th MCPD which will hold on the 5th.Read More

March 2, 2024  By : icconadmin


Please be informed that the 19th MCPD WORKSHOP, INDUCTION AND INVESTITURE will still hold as.Read More

June 3, 2024  By : icconadmin


ICCON will be holding a qualifying examination on; Date : Tutorial - Friday, 10th May,.Read More

May 1, 2024  By : icconadmin
 Calling for Application of ICCON Membership!

 Calling for Application of ICCON Membership!

Become an ICCON Member The Institute of Chartered of Nigeria (ICCON) is a professional regulatory.Read More

March 15, 2024  By : icconadmin