Professionalism in Chemistry

About Us

ICCON is a professional regulatory body statutorily charged with the responsibility of regulating the teaching, learning, and the practice of Chemistry Profession in Nigeria

iccon membership

Membership Categories

  • Fellow
  • Honourary Fellow
  • Member
  • Corporate Member
  • Honourary Member
  • Graduate Member

ICCON Vision

The ICCON vision is “to recreate situations around us that will impact positively on the nation, while providing professional protection to our members.”

Core Values

  • Professionalism
  • Integrity
  • Safety and Security
  • Team Work

ICCON Overview

ICCON is a professional regulatory body statutorily charged with the responsibility of regulating the teaching and professional practice of Chemistry profession in Nigeria. ICCON is under the Federal Ministry of Health.

Since 1946 when Nigeria’s first chemistry graduate, the late Professor Stephen Oluwole Awokoya bagged his B.Sc from the University of London, the country has produced generations of chemists for various sectors of the economy. But there was yet no government-recognized regulatory body to regulate the practice of chemists in Nigeria.







Honorary Members


Honorary Fellows

Our Mandate

ICCON is statutorily charged with the responsibility to regulate the teaching, learning, and standard best practice of Chemistry

Determining what standards of knowledge and skill are to be attained by persons seeking to become registered as chemists and raising those standards from time to time as circumstances may permit

Registering and Licencing personnel and corporate bodies engage in teaching, research, invention, production, analysis, certification of result of analysis, management, marketing, sales, distributions, storage, use and disposal or handling in any manner of chemicals and chemical products imported or manufactured in Nigeria

Develop methods for the synthesis, formulation and production as well as test methods for chemicals and chemical products in the country in collaboration with relevant stakeholders.

Auditing the quality of personnel in chemical and chemical allied industries to ensure conformity with standards for the promotion of chemical safety and security

Professionalizing the practice of Chemists by exercising regulatory authority and control over all persons in private or public organizations and corporate bodies manufacturing, importing, selling, and handling all forms of chemicals.

Establishing standards and regulations for personnel involve in chemicals syntheses, formulation, production, distribution, usage and management, and reviewing such standards from time to time.

Promoting ethical and responsible application of chemistry for national development by issuing guidelines and code of conduct for professional practice of chemistry and reviewing of such guidelines from time to time

Responsible for information/data collation, processing, and dissemination on chemical usage and management to stakeholders and Government authorities for policy formulation

Securing under the provisions of the Act, the establishment and maintenance of a register of fellows, associate members, ordinary members, honorary fellows, and members of the Institute and the publication of the list of those persons from time to time

Accrediting Chemistry and Chemical science related courses in higher Institutions of learning in collaboration with relevant stakeholders.

Register and Monitor Chemical, Biochemical and Petrochemical Laboratories operating for commercial purposes in Nigeria.